SIGEP 2017

Back from holidays. In great shape but still tired due to the habits of August that will keep us company for a few days.
September is the new month, school starts again, the everyday’s story begins. We are preparing the news we’ll take to the SIGEP 2017, the fair that takes place in Rimini. There will be surprises that we are sure will raise your curiosity and interest. The first one will of course be the new position and the new stand, we changed the booth for i tour stand will be more visible. The news will of course be the new products, we will be waiting for you to discover each and everyone on them. We have to work now to guarantee you a better service. We’re organizing ourselves to boost our productivity; the business’ input is clear: besides our usual quality, we have to offer our customers the best service possible. This is the aim of the beginning of this season. The investments we have dome have this specific purpose.
Another news consists of the site, better, more professional, easier. Initiatives like this Newsletter, the new contact section, are needed to get closer to our customers. If you have suggestions of every kind we’ll listen to you and be thankful.
We wish you a year full of successes and satisfactions.
Next holidays are far in time for most of us. Now it’s time to give our best to offer our customers a smile.